1:43 DB5 IOU

If you signed up for the subscription-based version of this Eaglemoss 1:8 scale James Bond Aston Martin DB5 partwork build-up, you should receive five FREE gifts along the way. Unfortunately, sometimes these gifts are out of stock. With this shipment, I should have received this 1:43 scale Thunderball version of our DB5:

Instead, I got this IOU letter saying they were out of the Poster and would send it soon. Since I already received the poster as Free Gift #1, I can only assume they meant this 1:43 DB5 display… I guess we just wait until they get them in stock again.

On a side note, it bugs me that Eaglemoss held up my Mercedes 300 SL and Nissan GT-R build shipments because their Toolkit free gifts were not in stock. I even told them to skip the gifts and ship the issues, but they said their system could not do that. But with this one, I get an IOU letter and the issues shipped anyway. It would be nice if they could be consistent!

Free Gift #3

If you signed up for the subscription-based version of the Eaglemoss 1:8 scale James Bond Aston Martin DB5 partwork build-up, you will receive five FREE gifts along the way. The first gift was a Poster and the second was the Blueprints.

The third FREE gift is this full-color Collector’s Binder. It is designed to hold eleven (11) magazine issues. Since there appears to be 22 issues to complete the model, at some point we will need another one. Unfortunately, if this is like my other partwork builds, the second binder will come at a cost (and be charged to my account automatically unless I specifically cancel it).

UPDATE: It turns out I was right. The second binder automatically shipped with Issue 15 / Pack 55 and they charged me $7.99 for it.