I am not a fan of the building instructions in my version of the printed magazines included with this Eaglemoss 1:8 scale James Bond Aston Martin DB5 partwork model. They are confusing, out of order, often incorrect, and often skip needed steps. During the first 30 packs of my model, I spent a considerable amount of time trying to decipher the images, text, and screw types to make the build steps on this site easier to follow. Well, now I have managed to find something to help us all out!

Many years ago (think 2013), you could find a very different set of DB5 instructions online in PDF format. Unfortunately, the websites that stored them are now broken. Thankfully, the Internet really does live forever and, with some creativity, I was able to go back in time and get my hands on these files. Now, I want to share them with everyone!

While this version of the instructions assumed you had all 85 packs ready to go, they are still incredibly useful in figuring out what goes where and with what screw type.  Heck, these instructions are more up-to-date than the current magazines that are copyrighted 2019! After looking through all of these PDFs, I went back through my existing build pages and updated a few to make more sense, as well as writing my Fixing Mistakes post to catch us up to this point in the build.

If you are ever confused about your DB5 build,  look into the appropriate section below. These are so much better than the magazines and I hope they can help you sort out this crazy build!

The Engine & Interior

The Roof & Rear

The Front Body

Adding the Chassis

Pack 37 Updated Instructions

Finally, a special PDF was created to supplement the existing Pack 37 instructions:

21 thoughts on “THE PDFs”

  1. These are a great help, I bought all the partworks years ago but never got around to making it till now. However what I cant find is the wiring instructions, do you have anything to guide me in getting that right?

    1. I have not discovered any wiring diagrams, nor have I reached the point in the build where I have connected anything. Sadly, we will not get the main circuit board until Pack 80 (almost the end).

  2. This is most disjointed build I’ve been dealing with I wish they could have reorganized this in a new fashion course that would’ve meant repackage of the parts

    1. I totally agree, this DB5 has, by far, the worst instructions of the 10 builds I am doing. That is why I am trying to make it easier to follow on this site. I hope it helps.

      1. Your website has been such a huge help. Thank you very very much! I’m only a few months into the project but it made the difference between keeping going and cutting my losses and giving up.

  3. Good morning, I reside in Spain and here there is no this Kit I am buying it in parts on ebay and other sites I need to help me to be able to locate fascicles like number 48 someone could tell me where to get them. I’ve written to Eaglemoss, but they don’t answer. Congratulations on this page is Great. Best regards

  4. Great job, I have been going crazy trying to find better and clearer instructions. Got this web site from Eagle Moss. My main gripe is , The screws are not marked. I put wrong screws in, have to play around till I find the right size.

    1. I do try to take pictures of every screw as I encounter them so we know which is which. I also created THE SCREWS page with data from Eaglemoss to help. You say that you heard about this site from Eaglemoss, what do you mean?

    1. My understanding is the DB5 (and the GT-R) used to be available in the UK, but Eaglemoss/DC cancelled it there.

    1. These PDFs are the instructions. Or, you can follow my guide step-by-step here at the site. If you mean the magazines, you have to pay for the subscription to get them.

  5. I thank you for supplying details of the built, I would like to purchase some parts that are missing on my model, I.e. wing mirrors, wiper blades, aerial, I see that you list the part number it I still don’t know in which issues they came in, can you help?

  6. Many thanks for doing this. I don’t think I could have completed the car without it. My only regret is that I did not find the site until I was 3/4 done with the kit. I still don’t think I got all of the assembly directions from Eaglemoss. One suggestion though. I found it much easier to attach the doors to the front end for fitting purposes and then remove them when I went to attach the front end to the chassis. I found it difficult to handle the front end with the doors flopping around. It is possible to attach them after the front end has been added.
    I also had/have a problem with the ejector seat. It sort of catches but not enough to hold it in place. If you have come up with a solution let me know.

  7. Dear Sirs

    I wonder if you guys can help me. I have been given a half built bond car model by a friend who unfortunately has the onset of dementia. His wife asked if I could finish it for him. In the checking of what he has done I have found 2 green cables that are attached to the circuit board as one at one end and are hanging loose at the other. Can anyone tell me where they should go? I have a picture but there is nowhere to upload them.

    1. If I remember correctly, the green/green cable is for the brake pedal. That switch, when triggered, makes the tail lights brighter.

  8. Great site, thank you for all the work you have put into it. I am putting together a remote control that will allow me to control the electronic features of the DB-5 from outside of the display case and I was wondering if you knew of a source for a schematic of the main PCB (part 80A) ?
    Thank you

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